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Shopping Experience in Bhutan

The Royal Government of Bhutan encourages the selling of locally produced products to promote and preserve the culture and tradition of Bhutan. Visitors can buy any kind of products from the market, especially in Thimphu, Paro and Phuentsholing, which are considered as center of business in Bhutan.  Some of the shops and items visitors can consider buying while visiting Bhutan are basically Handicrafts, Incense, Essential oils, Textiles, Medicinal/Herbal teas etc.

Bhutan has 13 unique Arts and Crafts. Local people manufacture unique and beautiful handicraft products which can be used as souvenirs. Products include wooden bowl and cups, Cane and Bamboo products, Woven fabrics, handmade paper items, Woolen clothes, Embroidery, Carved masks and many others.

Bhutan is well credited in making some of the finest textiles in the world such as Kushuthara(Silk Kiras), Bumthap Mathras, Yathras(Sheep wool), Buray(Raw Silk) which are considered of the best quality and beauty.

Thangka paintings are also widely available. Thangkas originally came to Bhutan from Tibet , which has its origins from India. “Thangka painting” or “Iconometry “,basically, is painting with a system of specific measurements and proportions used to represent the Buddha or the representation of the Buddha,on a cloth. Different proportions are used to depict Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and peaceful and wrathful deities. A Thangka painter cannot directly paint as he wishes but he must carefully study the measurements and proportions. As we , Buddhists consider the Thangkas extremely sacred as they are a representation of the Buddhas, it is very important for the artist to paint very carefully.